
Suggestion for PokemonGo

Below is a list of possible suggestions / enhancements that could be made to improve PokemonGo,
listed below:
- Update the Pogo+ to avoid spinning or catching if that respective storage is full
- The ability to toggle animations on / off
- Give the ability to enter remote berry feeding from a gym badge page
- Add sandbox mode to the style shop, to try out multiple clothes before buying
- Add an "I am Ready" button to raid lobbies
- A quicker way to manually spin gym based pokestops (normal gyms, and gyms hosting raids)
- Improve the response time of Pogo+ on Pokestops and Pokemon
- A Lock option for individual Pokemon that prevents them from being powered up or Evolved
- Update the Gym view UI to easily show trainers + their names that are defending a gym
- Increase the reliability of connecting the PoGo+ to the app
- When building a battle team (either manually or inheriting a battle party), give us the ability to drag to reorder
- Throwing practice minigame
- Fix gym podium display / positioning of gym defenders to allow easy berry feeding in all scenarios
- Overhaul Pokemon nicknaming ability (more symbols, increase total number of characters etc)
- Make the journal show the correct sprite of the pokemon that ran away (shiny / costume pokemon)
- Add the total of raids won at that gym to the Gym badge page
- Make logging out of the app / back into the app remember sound / vibration / battery saving settings
- More ways to filter Pokemon storage (Substring searches, size, level, generation etc)
- Add Ascending and Descending toggle when pressing the sort buttons a second time (eg. allow reverse pokedex order etc.)
- Implement new features involving NPCs (non playing charachter activities
- Implement pokestop submissions for PokemonGo players within the game
- Allow players to pick a new attacker when beating a gym defender and being shown your next gym opponent
- Allow a different language to be selected in game manually, independent of current phone language
- Award players for attacking gyms rather than / as well as defending them
- Remeber the "defender" search string when navigating between Remote Berry Feeding
- Rework the level up rewards to be more rewarding for players over level 30
- Add an option to toggle the "Remember last used pokeball" feature implemented in 0.89.1
- Preemptively show warnings when pokemon bag, or item bag is full. instead of telling us during an action.
- Allow us to Prioritize spinning pokestops with PoGo+
- Add a counter to the store showing how many coins youve earned from gyms for the day
- Increase the duration of raids once hatched (no chance to be only 17 minutes long)
- Add a gym / raid map to help players indentify ongoing raids (similar to ingress intel map)
- Give us the ability to see battles won somewhere other than on the fight screen
- See what moves Pokemon have when selecting from Pokemon Storage, and also the raid and gym battle team formation screen
- Add a way to take AR photos with Pokemon youve already caught
- Change the text "Im a passenger" to "Im not driving"
- Allow community day special movesets to be available via TM
- Allow people to obtain the community day moveset 1 hour after their community day ends
- Journal should be able to be filtered by action (Filter on the last 50 egg hatches, 50 catches or last 50 pokestops)
- Display Badge XP as a number under its progress
- Make text filters / search queries persist between picking attackers in raid and gym battle selections
- Add an option in the settings to disable "Cannot mass transfer event / costume pokemon"
- Add an option or dialog to skip viewing the pokemon you just caught
- When active, show the lucky egg timer on all screens
- Show the currently number of candies from the catch encounter
- Make failed legendary catch attempts boost youre next legendary attempts catch rate (Stop people being 0/20 on Legendaries)
- Allow PoGo+ to use other catch combinations than just a normal pokeball
- More ingame stats showing catch rates, number of great throws etc.
- Display Current/Total HP when using potions
- Have the ability to remote berry feed defenders from the overwold if you currently defend that gym
- Once a pokemon is appraised, remeber and display an indicator for the apraisal
- Give the ability to recall gym defenders (?)
- Display Pokedex Number somewhere in Pokemon Details page
- Update the colour palette for reward items to not use the color yellow, avoid conflicting with instinct team bonus item colours
- Show the correct coloured egg on the pokemon origin section when viewing a hatched pokemon
- Add a more elegant solution for "The pokemon as fled" when pokestop tracking and GPS / Internet signal is lost
- Allow iOS users more flexibility when renaming Pokemon (not deleting everything to edit first character)
- Separate Sightings and Nearby, and have them as different and always functional tabs
- Add the ability to train pokemon, or use items to increase their IV (?)
- Incubators that expire in KM walked, not number of uses
- Public API / online profiles to show off player statistics
- Add a confirmation message when putting an egg in an incubator
- Add more sock cosmetic options
- Update the gym badge preview map to function correctly
- Increase Egg hatching maximum speed to promote jogging (current speed = 10.5kmh)
- Colorblind mode
- Add a warning when evolving your buddy, indicating that your current buddy candy progress will reset
- Gold badge (or new higher badge) allows adding a legendary defender, 1 legendary per gym
- NPC Trainer battles, team rocket attacks etc.)
- Add the remaining time of a raid boss onto the nearby raid boss tab additional to the HH:MM time it ends
- Show the egg closest to hatching on the overworld screen like buddy pokeon mechanics (apple watch does this)
- Show every action (Fighting a Gym, Defender dropped at gym, level up rewards, etc) in the Journal
- Add a more elegant solution to Error 25, clicking on a pokemon that has expired
- Implement a new way of training and rework the trainer badge
- Make an unhatched raid egg distinguishable on what will hatch from it
- Update egg tracking accuracy (less distance is lost when not traveling in a straight line)
- Ability to convert rare candy by batches / increments
- type based lures and incense
- Adjust the item bubbles that appear vertically upon spinning a pokestop, to not overflow the screen on 7 day streaks
- Add new badges like in ingress, total unique pokestops, number of lifetime great throws, number of defenders defeated etc.
- Sort HP by "Percent HP Remaining","Total HP" instead of "Percent HP Remaining","CP"
- Add a fishing minigame available when around water
- Add items similar to Iron, Carbos, Protein (or bottle caps) to train IVs like main series games
- Add a reminder that you have forgotten to incubate an egg (visual indicator or popup)
- When completing a text search on Pokemon storage, include the number of pokemon returned from that filter
- Add a grace period Raid Boss times, so people who crash after expiry can continue to catch the raid boss they defeated
- Display type icons underneath defenders when players are about to battle a gym / raid
- Add biome coloured map textures to players know what Biome they are in
- Add berry bushes to the game as a side venture for growing berries
- Show "Hours defended", "Battles Won", "Berries Fed" over each pokemons lifespan (like distance walked)
- Show base stats of Pokemon (Either in Pokemon Storage, or Pokedex)
- Add an extra confirmation message before using premium items (incense, evolution items, etc)
- Be able to "Go to gym" from the gym badge page by clicking on the defender
- Show the time remaining on an activated lure
See this list in standard order

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