PokemonGo Legacy Move List
Legacy moves are Pokemon with moves that are no longer possible to create in game
The Legacy move list has changed over time
With the release of Elite TMs, many legacy moves have disolved are able to be learnt again!
Thus they have been removed from this list
the @Special search term no longer JUST shows legacy moves -
Elite TM Moves will now show at the same time
meaning there is no specific legacy move filter anymore
resulting in this Legacy move list being more important to pay attention to for collectors!
Move lists:

Img | Name | Date | Quick Move | Charge Move |
PIKACHU | 27-Aug-22 | Grass Knot | ||
GRIMER | 19-Aug-16 | Acid | ||
MUK | 19-Aug-16 | Acid | ||
KOFFING | 19-Aug-16 | Acid | ||
WEEZING | 19-Aug-16 | Acid | ||
CHANSEY | 19-Aug-16 | Psybeam | ||
STARYU | 19-Aug-16 | Quick Attack | ||
STARMIE | 19-Aug-16 | Quick Attack | ||
PORYGON | 19-Aug-16 | Quick Attack | ||
PICHU | 17-Feb-17 | Quick Attack | ||
SHEDINJA | 02-Nov-18 | Bite | ||
DIALGA (ORIGIN) | 24-Feb-24 | Roar of Time | ||
PALKIA (ORIGIN) | 24-Feb-24 | Spacial Rend |
Show the "Moves Gained" during the legacy process
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Legacy Move FAQ
What are Legacy Moves?
Legacy moves are Pokemon that know attacks that are no longer possible to learn. The only way to have a legacy move is to have obtained that Pokemon moveset before it was made discontinued. Legacy moves have come into existance in the past for different reasons discussed below.
Can Legacy Moves be created?
Generally No.
Legacy Moves are usually only created by mistake from Niantic
The Legacy move list has changed over the years and now that Elite TMs exist, the only way Legacy moves exist is Niantics release of
Pokemon with moves they never learnt in the main series games on Gameboy, DS and Nintendo Switch.
Its very unlikely this situations will happen in the future, but Mistakes are common by Niantic - so you never know.
Occasionally Niantic may add a new Move (like event based special moves) and not add them to the Elite TM list
These moves we could reasonably expect Niantic to one day add to the Elite TM list
How were Legacy Moves created in the past?
These methods are less likely to happen now
But before Elite TMs existed, Legacy moves could exist as a result of:
Balance: Some Pokemon had moves swapped out for balancing purposes.
When A move is either too powerful, or not strong enough compared to every other Pokemon
the moves sometimes get changed to make the game game more balanced for PVP or Raids
Limited-time moves: These were popular with Niantic, moves would be released as part of events (like Community day and raid days).
These moves can tend to be more powerful, in hopes that more people will play during these events to unlock the special move.
Can you stil get get Legacy Moves?
You currently cannot create any new copies of these Legacy moves on these Pokemon
everything that exists now are the only Legacy moves, they have to exist in someones collection.
However you can trade for them as Pokemon are able to be traded once.
In the past you used to be able to get new Legacy move from the following methods
- Niantic releases them as a special event
- A moveset re-shuffle occurs
How does the Legacy move list work?
Each move listed has a date upon which it became unobtainable. If you played the game a long time ago, or played during a recent event, you may have some Pokemon with Legacy moves. Use this list to see which Pokemon you might have that are considered collectable
What are some misconceptions about Legacy Moves?
Legacy moves can NOT be created by:
- Evolving an old Pokemon
- Using a TM on an old Pokemon
- Evolving a legacy Pokemon
Why should I care about Legacy moves??
While some Legacy moves can be better in battle - most of them are not.The most desirable thing about Legacy moves are that you can not get them anymore.
People like to keep them because they are collectors items.
What Legacy Moves have come back permanently?
Recently Niantic has been known to add some moves back into the available move pool (or ETMs):
On March 1st 2024
Niantic re-released a whole bunch of Legacy Moves
some of them were even from 2016
(Mud shot and Psybeam on the below Pokemon)
- Mudshot Diglett
- Mudshot Dugtrio
- Mudshot Graveler
- Mudshot Golem
- Psybeam Starmie
- Draining Kiss Kirlia
- Bullet Seed Lileep
- Earthquake Gastradon
On the 11th December 2019
Niantic re-released a whole bunch of Legacy Moves
Meaning they are all available again, these moves are
- Pinsir with Fury Cutter
- Snorlax with Body Slam
- Cloyster with Icy Wind
- Arcanine with Flamethrower
- Poliwrath with Mud Shot
- Machamp with Cross Chop
- Golem with Ancient Power
- Gengar with Shadow Claw
- Exeggutor with Confusion
- Gyarados with Dragon Breath and Twister
- Dragonite with Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
On the 23rd January 2020
Niantic re-released more Legacy Moves permanently
these moves are:
- Raichu with Thunder Shock
- Magneton with Thunder Shock and Discharge
- Venomoth with Poison Fang
- Haunter with Shadow Ball
- Hypno with Shadow Ball
Which Legacy moves are actually good?
All legacy Pokemon are collectors items
before Elite TMs there used to be many superior Legacy Moves, But nowadays, they are all collectors items
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