Spinda Release Dates
in PokemonGo
Since Spindas introduction different patterns have been available.
Only one pattern has been available at any one time.
New Spinda forms are released when research boxes change.
Below is a list of each patterns release date.
This list will get updated as new Spinda forms are released

How many Spinda have been released?
So far in PokemonGo 9 out of 9 Spinda forms have been released.
Its expected new patterns will be added in the future - if this ever happens the page will be updated to reflect the new forms.
How can I find a Spinda?
Spinda is currently only available from Field Research (Quests from Pokestops). Only one Spinda pattern has ever been avilable at one time. The rest are out of rotation.
Arnt there supposed to be millions of possible Spinda patterns?
In the main series games, there are 4,294,967,295 possible Spinda patterns. So far in PokemonGo it currently simplified down to 9 different Spinda forms planned for everyone to collect.
What about shiny forms?
Each spinda pattern has a shiny form which is yet again completely different.
This means the shiny versions of each number are another unique pattern!
Shiny spinda was released with the Research updates on 1st of July
The first pattern to get a shiny form was #8